Finding Purpose in Life: Journey Beyond the Horizon

Finding purpose in life is like chasing the North Star; unreachable, true, yet it lights every step of your journey.

How do I figure out my purpose in life?

“He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.” — Friedrich Nietzsche

Is there truly a North Star? Is there a Guiding Beacon toward a life of happiness, meant for me and me only?

These questions are profound and timeless for finding purpose in life. They are excellent sources for thought exercises, yet more often than not, they go unanswered.

The majority refuses to delve into them as they are vastly metaphysical and are dismissed as useless indulgences left for idle philosophers.

Plus, who has time nowadays to philosophize on lofty abstractions? The modern world moves too quickly, leaving little space for such ponderings.

However, these questions are also of crucial pragmatic importance. They transcend their philosophical origin and have the ability to drastically shape our lives.

I confess I like spending my time contemplating life’s metaphysical intricacies. Allow me to share my reflections.

You may argue, and I might agree, that uncovering life’s purpose feels like an impossible task … never mind following it if you get lucky finding one.

But here is the peril: if we are not seeking our true life path, we risk stumbling into a life that leads nowhere. A life spent serving someone else’s dreams, making others happy or rich, while our own light fades into darkness. The danger is not merely losing one’s way but paying the price of losing oneself; that is this never-ending soul-eating pain we call unhappiness.

An image reflecting SoulCrredo article, by Val Sky: Finding Purpose in Life - A girls sitting in a sea shore looking at a ship.

How do you find your path in life?

“He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.”Friedrich Nietzsche

“The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for.” – Fyodor Dostoevsky

Some may wonder, ‘Hey, why do I need the Guiding Star at all? Isn’t life already full of ‘stars” — work, family, social obligations? Aren’t chasing them  enough to fill my days and give me some purpose or even make me feel happy?”

Yes, they may fill our days and glare at us with an illusion of purpose or happiness, but they are mirages, as these pursuits are fleeting. All these ‘stars” are transient lights, their light flickering and finite, as for a train leaving the station.

The problem with temporary life paths is that they are finite; they all eventually fade, leaving our souls unhappy and in pain.

With age, fewer paths are left to choose from. As time wears on, we are less and less valuable to be used for profits; finding purpose in life starts to feel like a dream.

Without a true Guiding Star, the world that once used us for its profit begins to discard us, leaving us stranded in a metaphorical cul-de-sac.

Eventually, we begin to realize that all past life paths were taken for the sake of something or someone else … We begin to realize that we hit the corner of life and are ready to perish to oblivion.

Yes, it is easier to follow these temporary life paths – But they all eventually perish as we achieve our goals – pleasure stays for a brief moment, and then depression and darkness come – leaving us with nowhere to go but into the familiar hands of unhappiness.

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” – Mark Twain

An image depictin teh theme of Soul Credo articleFFinfing Purpose in Life, by Val Sky - It shows a persobn running fast towards the North Star

How do I find my soul purpose in life?

Without purpose, life is just existence, a soul with no spark, lost in the dark.

Without purpose, life decays into a hollow routine of meaningless ambitions. After a few such “achievements,” a bitter taste appears. We achieve a little, then we fail, get depressed and dissatisfied with life … blaming all and everything around, cursing life itself.

That is the price we pay to aim for temporary life goals.

Many of us chase success, but only the wise pursue purpose, as finding purpose in life isn’t a luxury; it’s the essence of existence.

Target big. Dare to aim for something unreachable – your Guiding Star. Yes, you may never reach it … but follow its light, and you will never lose the path; your life will be lit with its light.

And each achievement on its path will be nothing but a rest. Well-deserved and desirable rest on this lifelong journey to self-fulfillment.

It is why it is very important to know the true path in life, a Guiding Star that will never abandon you, always there, no matter where and when.

And if you lose the light, feel that you are again in darkness and alone … Fear not; your Guiding Star did not abandon you, nor did it fail you … You simply turned your back on it; you took a wrong turn. Most likely, someone convinced you to take the wrong turn, and you ended up working and living for someone or something else but yourself.

You ended up in the shadow of your own self … Just turn around. Your star never fades. Turn back toward it, and its light will once again illuminate your soul, dispelling the darkness … It is always there, patiently waiting for you to return.

Finding life’s meaning and purpose, it is like discovering your own constellation in the vast universe of existence, but remember, your Guiding Star is the only light on this dark road we call life.

An image depictin teh theme of Soul Credo article: Finfing Purpose in Life, by Val Sky - It shows a person standing an a cliff looking at the North Star

Embracing the Journey

“Life is not primarily a quest for pleasure…but a quest for meaning.” Viktor Frankl

How do I find my Guiding Star? What dark shadows obscure the light?

These questions are profound, and their answers require time and effort; they are not instant revelation.

Discovering your true self is the journey of a lifetime… Begin by asking this simple question: Who am I, and Why am I?

Ask it as often as you can … and eventually, you will begin to hear the faintest whisper. It may be barely recognizable at first, but it does carry the answer you seek. Be patient. Be hopeful. Your Guiding Star awaits.


This article is not intended to be a definitive guide to discovering life’s meaning and purpose. Instead, it should be seen as a motivational piece that aims solely to inspire us to understand that there is something much greater beyond the mundane routines of daily life.

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