What is Happiness – An Elusive Promise, or the Guading Star to Something Greter than Life Itself?

What is happiness? It is a feeling that calls you to fulfill your obligation to become the person of your dreams!

Introduction: On Happiness

In this chapter, I will attempt to explain why I believe that the pursuit of life’s happiness must be the first-order priority for any individual who desires a life of spiritual purpose and meaningful worldly prosperity.

Here you can find the view on the topic through the prism of SoulCredo’s Spiritual Philosophy of Happiness. It presents a few unique shortcuts to a good and happy life. It is a blueprint for anyone who does not lose hope in finding the true inner self, the meaning of life and its purpose. Living life filled with love, joy and meaningful prosperity.

What is happiness, and why does your heart desire a happy life? Before I go digging into this vast and grossly misunderstood topic. I want to present a summary of my view on the subject of happiness and happy life.

Image representing SoulCredo post What is Happiness-Image shows a lady sraing on the sliff of the river.

What is Happiness?

Your entire life revolves around this deceptive question: “What is Happiness.” The quest for it is the entire premise of existence for the greater part of us. We all are, without exception, in this never-ending pursuit of happiness, day after day, moment after moment. We are obsessed with it. Many say, no, I am the master of my life’s destiny – Forgive them, as they are fools.

Despite all of this, the quest for happiness we all endure, more often than not, brings suffering of the nastiest kind. It primarily delivers tears and trouble, yet often blood also. It is why we are angry with life, why we usually despise it. This is why most people who talk about the happiness quest are snobbish. They laugh. They say it is childish. Do not be fooled. They are in fear; believe them not.

Search for Happiness as The Substitute of Lifes Meaning.

What is life’s happiness? We are constantly asking this question, only to never find an answer.

I believe it is because we are terrified to ask the actual question – What is the meaning of my being? We are afraid of the answer to this question. Because the answer is hidden in the darkest and the scariest place of them all – Your own soul. The entry to it is guarded by the horrible monster named The Ego.

Happiness as the Motivator

Happiness is a lure to motivate us to commit to a life of meaningful prosperity.

Real happiness is a life demarcated from Unnecessary Sufferings, from these stupid, half-real problems we invent in life

We are here in this world for one reason – To experience a good life. We are here to have a life filled with joy and inner peace. Be surrounded by love and beauty. Enjoy a life saturated with an abundance of health, meaningful relations, belonging and success.

It is the reason we desire happiness, why we chaise it madly.

Why I Write About Happiness

In this chapter, I will try to explain why the topic of happiness is important to me.

Image depicting SoulCredo post "What is Happiness. Image shows a girl looking far into a city. Image inspired by Val Sky.

Are you unhappy? Is your soul suffering unnecessarily? Are you searching endlessly for inner peace? Always struggling to answer this question: What is Happiness? Are you always looking for a life of belonging and meaning …

Like that, I was since childhood, for decades, I searched for life’s happiness. I banged my head (sometimes literally) trying to find an answer to this question: “What is Happiness.”

Along this long journey, my soul had become cold and dry … Yet,  I was not able to find it anywhere. But the quest was not in vain; I have discovered something even better – a “Happiness Formula.”

We are here in this realm for one reason – To experience a good, flourishing life. We are here to have a life filled with joy and inner peace. Be surrounded by love & beauty. Enjoy a life saturated with an abundance of health, meaningful relations, belonging and success and not feel behind in life. Even such a pragmatic man as Aristotle, in his Nicodemian Ethics, argues that finding the secret happiness formula is the ultimate purpose of existence. 

Nothing exists in this universe except you. The leading cause of your reality, your existence, is to be able to carry on with a decent life. What is a decent life if not a suffering-free life? We have become familiar with what we call happiness, a happy life. The sole reason for your being is to know ways to carry on with an existence of joy. Accordingly, your essential life objectives are not to stay away from misery, deflect agony and endure; all things considered, you should figure out how to manage them and do this. And working on unhappiness causes (both physical and metaphysical) is the only way to know life’s happiness.

Satisfaction is a shortfall of misery. For a generally well-off individual, unhappiness is the soul-gnawing torment from these life-sucking sensations of being a failure, inconsequential, and unworthy of people’s regard and love.

Unhappiness is an unfulfilled longing for confidence, for progress, for being someone. Something within our souls constantly pushes us to work hard, to fight life’ transience, to achieve more – to become the best version of ourselves. Unhappiness will always keep us on a leash when we are unable to satisfy life’s desires and goals.

Thus, the majority of life’s sufferings are due to our inability to realize our potential to fulfill our obligations in life. But why can’t we? I believe all this is due to not understanding how to do it. The the only way to realize ourselves effectively is to understand our inner selves to dig deep into our souls.

Find who you indeed are, and what your talents are … in an attempt to know your own life purpose. Perhaps nobody of us will achieve complete satisfaction in understanding life. However, as long as you are on the path toward self-discovery, one thing is a guarantee, better emotional well-being.

The path to happiness is straight: find your true inner self, understand your role within your soul; find your inner strengths and talents; and understand your purpose. Finally, commit to the life of purpose and actualize your inner self in the outside world … Yes, it is a straight path, a formula-like, but as with any maxim, it is challenging to apply in life.

This is one of the reasons why I am writing about happiness, trying to answer the question: What is Happiness? It is to elaborate on details and collect and analyze related information in an attempt to find effective ways for self and others who are on the quest for happiness.

On Unhappiness and Suffering

What are the origins of unhappiness?

Happiness doesn’t exist as an idea. It is merely a way away from unhappiness. Unhappiness is the unfulfilled desire for personal success and self-realization. The desire to become the best version of self. Unhappiness or happiness desire is a motivating tool for us to work more and harder, to provide for ourselves and people better.

What unhappiness is as a feeling?

Unhappiness (I call it unnecessary suffering) could be caused by a variety of things, but it always comes from the monster Feeling” – a feeling of being unworthy, be it spiritually, physically, financially, professionally or otherwise socially … Perception of self as nobody, as a loser, that is the main cause of feeling unhappy.

Why are we often unable to realize selves in life?

We are often unable to overcome unhappiness because we cannot actualize ourselves fully in life, and it is almost always because we do not know how to. We do not know how to commit to self-discovery, self-realize or self-actualize because we do not know ourselves, who we truly are, our strengths, talents, and purpose. It is why I write on this vast and important topic of personal happiness and happy life … To understand the inner self better, to understand life’s meaning, and to share with same-minded people.

Unhappiness as a Positive Motive

In a nutshell, the search for happiness is a means to escape from unhappiness. Thus, one may say that there is no happiness, while unhappiness is there; thus, it is positive – We must remember that all that is, is, thus positive by default.

So, can it be that unhappiness, with all its associated bad feelings, is a mere indication that your soul, your home, is in “disarray”? From it we can say that unhappiness is perhaps is a direction, an order for you to act, to assure that your soul, your home, is orderly. Thus, unhappiness might be is a positive feeling, as upon acting on it – happiness may arrive and stay at least for a moment

Why Spirited Souls Are Unhappy?

Why is my soul unhappy when the majority is blessedly enjoying life?

Why do feelings of worthlessness and of the emptiness of existence flood my soul when it seems there are no apparent reasons for it. Why does my soul suffer, and its pain suffocates my life?

Why is my soul restless and unsettled, where most of the people around you do not understand nor recognize this pain as real, and when you open your soul to them, they shunt and ridicule you, causing more pain?

This problem has puzzled me since early childhood. This problem poisoned and still poisons my life, bringing a terrifying amount of unnecessary soul suffering.

I am talking about pain that comes NOT from a necessity but rather the pain coming from the depths of your soul, the psychological pain. This pain usually comes when life is generally good. Something inside of our souls always wants more, demanding more – pushing us forward but never giving us directions or advice – Causing unhappiness. This unhappiness as the state of the soul is creating this “Monster Feeling.” The feeling of being unworthy, unloved, not needed – The feeling of being looser. It is why to answer te question, What is Happiness, is paramount.

Why do our souls suffer when all seems fine? What is inside of our souls wants? What it desire? Why does it mercilessly torture us? To where is it directing us? To where is it forcing us to go? What is it? What kind of a beast is it?

We are lost. Our souls are unsettled. Our minds wander purposelessly; we are directionless. To escape unhappiness and find this elusive happiness, we try many different things, but all instead bring more suffering, amplifying pain to the degree of unbearable.

Why Unnecessary Sufferings Suffocate Us?

All of us desire happiness. Yet many, if not most of us, suffer. Our souls are filled with anger, fear, envy, hate, and darkness.

True happiness, love, joy, belonging, and prosperity are rare in our lives, while the rule of suffering triumphs … The tyranny of suffering is overwhelming. Its roaring hell is controlling us unchecked and unchallenged … This atrocity exists mainly because we do not understand and not devote ourselves to the reason we are here in this realm. For that, we suffer much, yet mostly needlessly and unnecessarily.

We continuously seek happiness, only to constantly find suffering – We are lost, we are confused, and we are in the dark – In this bewildering existence, we relentlessly torture ourselves and others … All of it, only because we are unconscious of what we are, of why we are here; of what our purpose is.

Why do Unnecessary Sufferings suffocate us; Why do they stay between us and our happiness? The answer is profoundly simple; it is because we do not live according to what we are supposed to live.

When searching for their own Happiness, most people find Unnecessary Suffering instead because they search outside of the scope of life’s meaning and purpose. We must constantly remind ourselves that true happiness resides only within the confinement of meaningful and purposeful existence.

It is a case of this banal duality of existence: To be happy, one must be healthy, prosperous, and have meaningful relations. To have all of these, one must commit to a life of purpose. The problem here is that we know little about the meaning of life, thus having difficulties living a life of purpose. Instead, we find only suffering when we are in a frantic search for happiness. And this circle is the fate of the majority.

Unhappiness always shadows us as a direct outcome of not committing to the correct path in life. And as a result, acquired unhappiness translates into bad health, financial struggles, relationship difficulties, and an inability to ensure stability.

Yet, our desire for happiness is not a delusion as one may say, it is a call for action.

The Ontology of Happiness

Image representing SoulCredo post-What is Happiness? image shows little girls playing in shallow waters of an ocean beach.

 In his work on ethics, Aristotle said that happiness is the only thing that humans desire for their own sake, unlike riches, honour, health or friendship.

See, we all innately desire Happiness. We tirelessly search for it. We are all on this quest to find happiness. Yet, this search mostly delivers suffering instead, and they are mostly unnecessary. To obtain life’s happiness and not to suffer unnecessarily, we must break this loop. So, here is how I see it: … life is neither wicked nor vindictive. We simply do not know what to do with it. For that, we suffer much, yet mostly needlessly and unnecessarily. Life has a meaning, and our souls have a purpose. To find earthly happiness, we must commit to a life of spiritual meaning and purpose.

I believe that, as souls in this realm, we are the guardians of the Spirit. And protection of Life, Spirit’s carrier, is our exclusive purpose. It is humanity’s joint job until replaced by a verified successor. Upon mission completion, we will join God, we become It, we go home. This is the reward. It is what feeds our enthusiasm for life; it is also why we suffer here and now.

It is what this drive for happiness is. It is why we are driven to find happiness. It is the need to fulfil the job of life in the most effective and productive way. It is why it is the truth that we are here in this realm for one reason – To obtain Happiness and experience it. We are here to have a life filled with joy & inner peace. Be surrounded by love & beauty. Enjoy a life saturated with an abundance of health, meaningful relations, belonging and success.

Know what made you – The life. And your creator wishes you a lifetime of happiness. However, it also demands it, and those who refuse to take care of life are suffering unnecessarily. What is happiness if not a commitment to the path of personal life purpose? The real reward for this commitment is not happiness. The real prize is a life demarcated from the majority of Unnecessary and needless Sufferings that otherwise flood the lives of those who do not.

Why We Desire To Find Happiness?

Let us dig a little bit deeper into this issue. Is material all that there is about happiness? Most of us, to one degree or another, associate a good material life with happiness, yet we also know that good material life does not deliver happiness. It is why we start to look for life’s meaning. After a while, we begin the new loop: material happiness, pain, and back to empty contemplations about life. But where to look, where to find the answer, who is the authority on this subject matter?

It is the reason why most of us desire to find happiness. We tirelessly search for it. Yet, the search for Happiness usually delivers suffering of an unnecessary kind. To obtain life’s happiness and not to suffer unnecessarily, we must break this loop.

So, here is how I see it … life is neither wicked nor vindictive. We simply do not know what to do with it. For that, we suffer much, yet mostly needlessly and unnecessarily. Life has a meaning, and our souls have a purpose. To find earthly happiness, we must commit to a life of spiritual meaning and purpose.

I will repeat it here. I believe that, as souls in this realm, we are the guardians of the Spirit that resides within our souls. And protection Spirit is our exclusive purpose. It is the job of each individual and humanity’s joint position until we are all replaced by a verified successor. Upon mission completion, we will join God, we become It, we go home. This is the reward. It is what feeds our enthusiasm for life; it is also why we suffer here and now.

However, most of us are also lost in this realm. We have no idea who we are here and why we are here. It is why we endlessly ask this question: What is the meaning of life, and what is the purpose of my existence?

Yet we have this drive within – and that is what we call the quest for happiness. It is why we are almost possessed to find happiness. It is simply the desire to commit to a life of meaning and purpose.

It is what this drive for happiness is. It is the need to fulfil the job of life most effectively and productively. As we are here in this realm for one reason – to meet the obligation of Spirit’s caregiver and in it to find happiness and experience it. We are here to have a life filled with joy & inner peace. Be surrounded by love & beauty. Enjoy a life saturated with an abundance of health, meaningful relations, belonging and success.

Know what made you – The Spirit. It assigned you a job to take care of life in general and your own life. And your creator wishes you a lifetime of happiness. However, it also demands it, and those who refuse to take care of life the appropriate way are suffering unnecessarily.

To conclude. What is happiness if not a commitment to the path of personal life purpose? Where the real reward for this commitment is not happiness per se. The real prize is a life demarcated from the majority of Unnecessary Sufferings that otherwise flood the lives of those who do not.

We are here to Enjoy a Life of Happiness

Many, if not most, suffer, their souls filled with anger, fear, envy, hate, and darkness. We are obliged to take care of health, well-being and material things, as our body carries the Spirit. And The Spirit is what made Life & Life needs You … Life will help you with everything; You only need faith and desire to learn the meaning of life and commit to a life of purposeful happiness.

True happiness, love, joy, belonging, and prosperity are rare in our lives, while the rule of suffering dominates … The tyranny of roaring hell is controlling us unchecked and unchallenged … This atrocity exists mainly because we do not understand and not devote ourselves to the Life of Personal Purpose – for that, we suffer much, yet mostly needlessly and unnecessarily – We must revolt, we must join the cause of The Universal Spiritual Cause.

We continuously seek happiness. We tirelessly try to find happiness. Yet instead, we only constantly find Sufferings – We are lost, we are confused, we are in the dark – In this bewildering existence, we relentlessly torture selves and others … All of it, only because we are unconscious of what we are, of why we are here; of what our Purpose is.

Why do unnecessary sufferings suffocate us; Why do they stay between us and our happiness? The answer is profoundly simple, it is because we do not live a life of purpose. It is my answer and of SoulCredo’s.

When searching for their own happiness, most people find unnecessary suffering instead because they search outside of the scope of life’s purpose. As true happiness resides only within the confinement of purposeful existence.

It is a case of this banal duality of existence: To be happy, one must be healthy, prosperous and have meaningful relations – And to have all of it, one must commit to a life of purpose. The problem here is that we know little about the meaning of life, thus having difficulties living a life of purpose. Instead, we find only suffering when we are in a frantic search for happiness. And this circle is the fate of the majority.

Unhappiness is always shadowing us as a direct outcome of not knowing our purpose; And acquired unhappiness translates into bad health, financial struggles, relationship difficulties, inability to find an occupation to which to commit with passion etc.

How to Find Life’s Happiness?

So, what is the solution, how to find happiness in life?

The definitive answer is simple … Commit to Self-Discovery and realize the inner self. Understand life’s meaning. Know your life purpose … Commit to a life you are here for, and then find the happiness you will.

I will repeat: We are here to enjoy a life of happiness: Life of joy and inner peace – Life surrounded by love and beauty – Life saturated with an abundance of health, success, meaningful relations and belonging.

It is why we desire happiness, why we search for it – yet life’s happiness is found nowhere, only suffering we know well.

However, life is neither wicked nor vindictive. It provides us with all that is needed for Happiness. We simply do not know what to do with life. For that, we suffer much, yet mostly needlessly and unnecessarily… life has a meaning, and your soul has a purpose … To enjoy happiness, you must know the meaning of life and commit to your life purpose.

And remember the one who ceases to wring happiness from life with force—ceases to wound its essence—and instead begins to embrace life’s meaning and purpose with reverence, becomes a gentle magnet for happiness. This happiness, no longer fleeting or reluctant, comes swiftly, lingers willingly, and stays as long as it is truly needed.

By summoning happiness this way, you liberate yourself from the tyranny of unnecessary suffering. And with this liberation, happiness brings companions—inner peace, profound wisdom, radiant health, true love, belonging, steadfast friendship, meaningful success, and prosperity rooted in purpose.

So, to end the tyranny of unnecessary suffering and to live lives of meaningful happiness, we must revolt and overthrow the tyranny of unnecessary suffering. We must learn to live fulfilled lives to become accomplished and prosperous individuals.

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