Could it be that the recent pandemic was, in a way, the best thing that ever happened to humanity?
The pandemic brought lots of sorrow. We suffered greatly, but perhaps this event will help to bring hope for our future.
We all must agree that the recent pandemic is a cause, for the first time in recorded human history, that somewhat united us on a global scale.
I am not talking here about the pandemic as it is. Nor do I try to elaborate on the geopolitical and economic consequences of the pandemic.
I understand that many are afraid of any pandemic and afraid to suffer consequences. I know that many are skeptical of the concept of it as well.
Here, I try to discuss the issue from a different perspective.
I want to explore the ontological case. Can humanity unite as one, be one for all and all for one? Can we live as Rousseau was “preaching”, can we find happiness among us?!
Well, one may argue that it is the fear of the pandemic, the fear of death, that united us. And it is temporally. Soon the fear is gone – The Hobbesian war will resume – a war where each, against all, will flourish. Perhaps even this ancient conflict will continue and probably with even greater atrocity.
Here we go. It is my point. We strive for life’s meaning. We seek unity. We need unity. We must unite, and only true unity can be against something that we all fear terribly, yet equally.
We must accept that the sufferings are the real “unifier” of humanity, all living creatures.
Would we all agree about this? We perhaps would think differently.
We all must eventually come to the sense that something is uniting us, but what is it?
Life and the environment are mortal enemies. We, as people, should learn to stand against it all as one.
I think that our time has come to the age of maturity. We all begin to understand that we are not the enemy of selves. We must stop fighting each other; we must unite as one to combat what stands against all that is alive – The force of creation. The entropy despot that was appointed by this “brute”– Our adversary.
I am asking people of modernity to cherish what humanity has achieved over time of never-ending fighting and brutality. Yes, they fought for land, for pride, for things and reasons that are quite often challenging to understand for us.
Yet we must also understand that our ancestors have done it for us. They paid their price in blood, tears and suffering.
We must stop judging our ancestors and start assuming the responsibility for humanity’s future – for all that lived and will be living.
Enough with fight and hate towards each other. The time of real comradery is coming. I wish people would listen and unite, and I think that this pandemic is the first step toward us becoming one. For us to begin living without all this unnecessary suffering, we place upon each other for the sake of personal gain.
Perhaps, the time to stand as one has come – Perhaps, the time to enjoy life to the fullest has finally arrived!
And Soul Credo is where the common cause of humanity is studied, where a guide to spiritual happiness is offered.
Regards, Val